Talk:Digimon Legendary Skies

From Wikimon

Legends of the Sky[edit]

I haven't actually read this manhua or anything, but going by the subtitle 传说的天空 I would translate it as 'Legendary Skies' instead. Chinese 的 here is used to mark adjectives so 传说的 is the adjective 'legendary' here, 'sky' should be the noun modified. --Garmmon (talk) 12:13, 17 March 2017 (CDT)


Does anybody have an idea of who is who in that manga? Is the kid with the goggles Yú Jiābǎo?--Neilandio (talk) 09:43, 15 January 2019 (CST)


Baidu Tieba[edit]

放暑假了,神原拓也、源辉二和织本泉三人早就商量过要以到中国旅游的方式度过这个暑假,而他们的目标则是中国四川的九寨沟,因为那里不仅有堪称“童话世界”的优美景色,更有多种可爱的珍稀动植物,一直想看看野生大熊猫的孩子们当然要选择这里。 他们在九寨沟山间游玩的时候竟然发现了一个数码宝贝!本来数码宝贝无端出现在现实世界中就是一件相当奇怪的事,更让他们觉得不可思议的是他们竟然不知道这个数码宝贝是什么名称、种类、级别……无论他们用随身携带的数码暴龙机进行分析,还是将神秘数码宝贝的影像传送回日本本土的数码世界进行查询,竟然都找不到任何相关数据,这是怎么回事呢?这个数码宝贝是?! 由于猜测神秘数码宝贝的出现与数码世界肯定有不寻常的关系,拓也他们决定将它带到山下的住宿地点详细分析。正当他们往山下走时,一个胖乎乎的中国少年带着一只胖乎乎的数码宝贝(虞家宝和猫熊兽)截住了他们的去路,要他们交出那只神秘数码宝贝,说那是他先发现的!拓也不肯,一口回绝,胖少年便马上让其数码宝贝进化,准备用武力抢夺,一场战斗在所难免! 拓也用数码暴龙机进化后与猫熊兽的进化状态进行战斗,达到双重元素融合进化状态的拓也仅仅与猫熊兽的少阳进化状态打了个平手,要不是辉二帮忙,拓也更差点被力大无穷的猫熊兽随后的“暴走霸击”击中……被二人合力击败的虞家宝仍不肯轻易服输,此时织本泉的发言介入才让虞家宝暂时放弃战斗(美女的力量是无穷的!),几人终于得以坐下来商谈。 原来虞家宝也是数码宝贝的驯养者,居住在九寨沟附近的城市里,这个神秘的数码宝贝是他早先来九寨沟探险的时候发现的,多次意图捕捉均不成功,这次便利用假期又来尝试,看到被拓也他们捉走,怎能不急。而拓也他们则告诉家宝,并非想捉走这个神秘的数码宝贝,只是想研究一下它的出现到底对数码世界意味着什么。 众人下山后到达住宿地,百般研究仍不得其果,家宝无意中提到这个神秘数码宝贝最初是他在九寨沟里面原始森林地域的边缘地区发现的,辉二分析说肯定秘密就在原始森林里面,众人决定准备装备,前往原始森林探险! 经历了千辛万苦之后(此处可以设置很多桥段),众人终于到达了原始森林的中心地带,原来这里由于从没有人类的光临,因此生态环境十分好,大熊猫这种“活化石”也是因此才得以存活。这里更是数码世界“神州”与现实世界的一处天然通道,气候恶劣的时候,众多珍稀生物躲藏在通道内(它们并没有前往数码世界)得以苟活,而这个神秘数码宝贝则是因为一次数码空间异动,才在九寨沟里面出现的。 大家由此通道进入了神秘的数码世界“神州”,探究神秘数码宝贝(伏羲兽)的身世之谜……由此引出了本是掌管数码世界“神州”的首脑“女娲”,因被黑暗数码病毒侵袭而变得邪恶,进而将掌管各处要点的二十八星宿神将用黑暗数码病毒控制,使整个数码世界“神州”陷入黑暗的大事件! “暗之女娲”意图吞噬“伏羲兽”进而与之合体,达到最终完美形态,从而拥有无比强大的力量控制整个数码宝贝世界(神州和日本仅是整个数码世界的分支)!! 少年们为了拯救世界,集结在一起,挑战邪恶的二十八星宿神将!! 冒险故事的舞台涵盖了“神州”各地,从关东雪域到西北塞外,从南海沼泽到东岳泰山…… 自古以来,“神州”即是一片神奇的土地,在传说的天空下,少年们创造着神话

Guangdong Southern Network[edit]

《数码宝贝·传说的天空》〈惊尘·黄骐〉 暑假,数码少年虞家宝和同伴们发现了一只神秘数码宝贝,为了探询其秘密,他们决定进入原始森林。家宝在一家奇怪的商店买到了最新游戏数码手镯,报名参加2004数码游戏大赛,并认识了上官羽寰和童麒、童麟兄妹,并在大赛中凭着实力加运气进入四强。


okida:起初拓也等第四代数码宝贝角色的出现是上面派下任务,策划也考虑了这个因素进去,但连载途中,由于万代和东映形象版权的差异,经过几次协商又决定停用第四代角色。于是脚本临时改写,故事方向发生了始料未及的大转变,漫画内容也随之调整!人仰马翻了几期,终于还是决定结束连载,直到大结局还上演了作者沉迷网游、编辑杀到作者家通宵奋战赶截稿日的动作剧……-_- 纵有以上种种,当黄骐以惊人的速度从连G笔也不会用的漫画素人成长为准熟练作者的时候,再回头看,仍是值得的。


Should this even be considered an official Digimon manhua? Since there were copyright issues, isn't it safe to assume that it's an unsanctioned fan work?

I would say yes based on the fact that according to this lines: "okida:起初拓也等第四代数码宝贝角色的出现是上面派下任务,策划也考虑了这个因素进去,但连载途中,由于万代和东映形象版权的差异,经过几次协商又决定停用第四代角色。于是脚本临时改写,故事方向发生了始料未及的大转变,漫画内容也随之调整!人仰马翻了几期,终于还是决定结束连载,直到大结局还上演了作者沉迷网游、编辑杀到作者家通宵奋战赶截稿日的动作剧……-_- 纵有以上种种,当黄骐以惊人的速度从连G笔也不会用的漫画素人成长为准熟练作者的时候,再回头看,仍是值得的。", there were some copyright issues of some nature for using Takuya, Koji & Izumi, but that was changed and arranged afterwards, an ultimately that wasn't the reason per se that explained its cancellation by its original author. So it would be a similar case to Re:Digitize Encode. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 13:52, 30 June 2019 (CDT)
Was the manhua begun and never finished, or never published at all? If it was published, do we know if it was actually licensed from Bandai? I'm not sure why there would be difficulties in using Toei characters in an official manhua, since there were two other manhua series that used the Adventure characters, and one of them also used Frontier's characters. --TMS (talk) 14:58, 30 June 2019 (EST)
Yes it was, here you have the list of chapters that were released until it got cancelled: List of Digimon Legendary Skies Chapters. I find it weird too, although it was a different magazine that those at that time. Or maybe they preferred to focus on the X-Antibody thing going on in Japan. Let's keep in mind that X-Evolution premièring early 2005 was meant to be the last Digimon great production. Bandai & WiZ licensed it indeed, you can see it into the main cover page next to the logo. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 15:45, 30 June 2019 (CDT)
Okay. Thank you. --TMS (talk) 18:02, 30 June 2019 (EST)

Romanization of Chinese-exclusive Digimon names ("-shou" VS "-mon")[edit]

The various Digimon from Legendary Skies have gone through some name changes recently. Thankfully they have been reverted to their romanized pinyin names (sans diacritics) instead of the weird translated names someone came up with. While this change is appreciated, it has gone a bit too far.

Obviously Wikimon uses the original Japanese names of all Digimon. There are rare cases, however, such as this manga, where official Japanese names do not exist. Due to the differences in how language works, Chinese Digimon media uses the suffix "-shou" (beast/monster) in place of "-mon" at the end of Digimon names. So, for example, Agumon is referred to as Agushou. The purpose of a wiki is clarity, so it is my belief that henceforth Chinese-origin Digimon should have their names romanized with -mon rather than -shou, because they are inherently interchangeable. This does not change meaning whatsoever, it only enhances clarity. Most people who visit this wiki will not be familiar with the "-shou" problem, and will likely be under the impression that these are some kind of non-Digimon digital creatures. I can't think of a single good argument in favor of keeping the -shou endings. Japanese names will always outrank English and Chinese names, and though we cannot know for sure what the full official Japanese name of each of these Digimon would be, we can know with 100% certainty that they would end in -mon. This change will do well to better integrate the Legendary Skies Digimon into the rest of the wiki like they deserve to be.

I actually discovered this problem while adding several etymologies to the Chinese Digimon that no one had added yet. I took the liberty of implementing the -mon change across all Legendary Skies pages as well (though I may have missed some, but I tried my best). I'm really happy to see the direction this wiki is moving in not adhering strictly to non-useful romanizations like those often found in the Digimon Reference Book. Hopefully this helps with that larger change.