Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese An agile Puppet Digimon that travels as if it is gliding through treetops on roller skates. It moves around restlessly, and dislikes staying still.
Its cheek pouches, where it usually keeps its food in, have a larger capacity than they look, and it can also place important items besides food in them to carry around. In addition, if they won't fit in its cheek pouches, it forces them between the gaps in its tail or inside the zipper on its abdomen. Because it has a habit of collecting things as well as stealing things, it will occasionally snatch food from other Digimon while passing by them.
Its Special Moves are "Rolling Stomper", in which it presses down on the rapidly-spinning tires of its roller skates, and its "Donguri Bomb", where it throws an acorn-shaped bomb taken out of the zipper on its abdomen, causes a large amount of acorns to fly off along with an explosion, dealing damage over a vast area.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 樹の上をローラースケートで滑るように移動する俊敏なパペット型デジモン。せわしなく動き回り、じっとしていることが苦手。 普段は食べ物を入れている頬袋は見た目よりも容量が大きく、食べ物以外の大事なモノも頬袋に入れて持ち運んでいる。また、頬袋に入らない分は尻尾の隙間やお腹のジッパーに無理矢理挟み込む。収集癖があり、なおかつ手癖も悪いがゆえに、すれ違い様に他のデジモンから食料を奪い取ることもある。 必殺技は高速回転するローラースケートのタイヤを押しつける『ローリングストンパー』、お腹のジッパーから取り出したドングリ型の爆弾を投げつける『ドングリボム』は、爆発と共に大量のドングリが弾け飛び広範囲にダメージを与える。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)