Digimon Fusion (Unreleased Game)
Digimon Fusion is an unreleased Smartphone videogame.
In 2013, Saban Brands commissioned Playforge, a small startup company based in San Francisco, California, to create a game based on Digimon Fusion, after seeing the small success the company did with Zombie Farm.
The staff of the company started watching Digimon Fusion just so the entire team who were unfamiliar with Digimon could really understand the characters and get into its worldview. As a consequence, they started to make some DigiFusions which were not canon but where they would pick a few random characters and imagine what they would look like as Fusions. They also prototyped many gameplay ideas like a subway surfers style minigame based on Mikey Kudo flying through the portals.
Later on, the company released two more videogames under the Zombie Farms brand, which weren't as successful as previous entries. According to some members of the staff that were involved in the project, the studio didn't had a roadmap for the game and received little to no communication between the team and Saban Brands about the direction of the game.
In October 2013 the game studio announced that they were going to close and that the project was being cancelled.
Mikey Kudo: The main protagonist and the General of Fusion Fighters
Image Gallery[edit]
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Setting art | Setting art |