From Wikimon
Evolution | Death-X-DORUgamon Devidramon Black Growmon |
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It tears through the enemy's armor with the horn on its head and devours their Digicore!! | ||||||
Death-X-DORUguremon | Dα-542 |
Attacks | Field | Nightmare Soldiers | |||
A | Bloody Cave | 820 | Level | Perfect | |
B | Metal Meteor | 640 | Type | Undead | |
C | Guard (A→0) | 450 | Attribute | Virus | |
Special Abilities | |||||
◎When this Digimon is blocked by the opponent Digimon, send 1 card from the opponent Tamer's hand to the Dark Area. If the opponent Digimon that performed the block has the X-Antibody, the opponent Tamer sends 2 additional cards from their hand to the Dark Area. |
進化 | デクスドルガモン デビドラモン ブラックグラウモン |
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頭部の角で敵の装甲を抉じ開け電脳核を喰らう!! | ||||||
デクスドルグレモン | Dα-542 |
攻撃 | フィールド | NSo | |||
A | ブラッディーケイブ | 820 | レベル | 完全体 | |
B | メタルメテオ | 640 | 型(タイプ) | アンデッド型 | |
C | まもる(Aを0に) | 450 | 属性 | ウィルス種 | |
特殊能力 | |||||
◎このデジモンが対戦デジモンにブロックされた時、対戦テイマーの手札1枚をダークエリアに置く。ブロックした対戦デジモンが「X抗体」を持つデジモンの時、対戦テイマーは追加で手札2枚をダークエリアに置く |
The quotation is a direct quote from Death-X-DORUguremon's profile, describing its Bloody Cave attack.