4-007 (DCDAPM)

From Wikimon
4-007 N Level Type
Gabumon icon.png Gabumon Child -
HP 1100 Profile
Power 1000 A Child level Reptile Digimon whose appearance resembles a mammal. It is capable of evolving by borrowing the power of the Crest of Friendship, belonging to its partner Ishida Yamato.
Defense 1800
Speed 1200
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Tsuno Kougeki
Deals damage. Opponent Single-target
Special Move Dcdapm appattack icon.png Petit Fire
Energy Cost: 5
Deals damage. Opponent Single-target
Ability Ultimate Evolution
Deals great damage to a single opponent, and slightly raises Speed of all allies. Effect increases with each Round that has passed. [One-time Usage]
Warp Evolution
Metal Garurumon dcdapm gattai icon.png
Metal Garurumon
Energy Cost: 20
Partner: -
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Garuru Tomahawk
Special Move Dcdapm appattack icon.png Cocytus Breath
Energy Cost: 15