Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese Inhabiting the intensely competitive Net Ocean since ancient times, it is thought to be an Aquatic Digimon that evolved more drastically by continuing to battle. Characterized by its long, serpentine body, it uses its long body to wreath itself around enemies that are coming to attack, and constricts until the enemy suffocates. Naturally, it doesn't have intelligence or speech, and it swims around the Net Ocean leisurely according to its instincts. Its Special Move is breathing absolute zero air out of its mouth, instantly freezing water and firing it at the opponent (Ice Arrow).
The effect on Seadramon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its body has been specialized solely for swimming quicker underwater, and its sense of smell underwater has developed further. Although it does not approach anyone bigger than itself, it sniffs out injured Digimon far off in the distance and attacks them. Rather than its intelligence, its instincts, which it acquired through its struggle to survive, appear strongly. Its Special Move is an enhanced version of "Ice Arrow" in which it continuously fires it, piercing the opponent (Ice Spear).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 古代より生存競争の高いネットの海に生息し、戦いつづけることによって、より狂暴に進化した水棲型デジモンと考えられている。大蛇の様に長い体が特徴的で、この長い体を使い、襲い来る敵に体を巻きつけ、敵が息絶えるまで締め上げる。元来、知性というものを持ち合わせておらず、本能の赴くままネットの海を泳ぎ回っている。必殺技は口から絶対零度の息をはきだし、水を瞬時に凍らせて敵に放つ『アイスアロー』。 ■X抗体によるシードラモンのデジコアへの影響 その体は、水中をより速く泳ぐ為だけに特化し、さらに水中での嗅覚が発達している。自らの体より大きなものには近づかないが、遥か遠くの傷ついたデジモンを嗅ぎつけ襲いかかかる。知性というよりは、生存競争を生き抜いて身についた本能が強く現われている。必殺技は『アイスアロー』を連続で放ち敵を貫く強化版『アイススピアー』。
⇨ Japanese An Aquatic Digimon that has a long, serpentine body. Using its long body, it wreathes itself around enemies that are coming to attack, and constricts until the enemy suffocates. Naturally, it doesn't have intelligence or speech, and it swims around the Net Ocean leisurely according to its instincts. Its Special Move is breathing absolute zero air out of its mouth, instantly freezing water and firing it at the opponent (Ice Arrow).
The effect on Seadramon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its body has been specialized solely for swimming quicker underwater, and its sense of smell underwater has developed further. Although it does not approach anyone bigger than itself, it sniffs out injured Digimon far off in the distance and attacks them. Rather than its intelligence, its instincts, which it acquired through its struggle to survive, appear strongly. Its Special Move is breathing absolute zero air out of its mouth, freezing water and continuously firing it at the opponent (Ice Spear).
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English 大蛇のような長い体を持った水棲型デジモン。この長い体を使い、襲い来る敵に体を巻きつけ、敵が息絶えるまで締め上げる。元来、知性といものを持ち合わせておらず、本能の赴くままネットの海を泳ぎ回っている。必殺技は口から絶対零度の息をはきだし、水を瞬時に凍らせて敵に放つ『アイスアロー』。 ■X抗体によるシードラモンのデジコアへの影響 その体は、水中より早く泳ぐ為だけに特化し、さらに水中での嗅覚が発達している。自らの体より大きいものには近づかないが、遥か遠くの傷ついたデジモンを嗅ぎつけ襲いかかる。知性というよりは、生存競争を生き抜いて身についた本能が強く現われている。必殺技は口から絶対零度の息をはきだし、水を凍らせて敵に連続で放つ「アイススピアー」
⇨ Japanese Its sense of smell underwater has developed, and it sniffs out injured Digimon far off in the distance and attacks them.
Special Move: Breathes absolute zero air out of its mouth, freezing water and continuously firing it at the opponent (Ice Spear).
Digimon Pendulum X
⇨ English 水中での嗅覚が発達し、遥か遠くの傷ついたデジモンを嗅ぎつけ襲いかかかる。 必殺技:口から絶対零度の息をはきだし、水を凍らせて敵に連続で放つ「アイススピアー」
⇨ English 自らの体より大きなものには近づかないが、遥か遠くの傷ついたデジモンを嗅ぎつけ襲う。生存競争を生き抜いて身についた本能が強く現われている。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Ice Spear
Aisu Supia
An enhanced version of Ice Arrow in which it continuously fires it, piercing the opponent.
Ice Arrow
Aisu Arō
Discharges a breath of absolute zero-temperatured water, which freezes the enemy solid upon contact.
Water Breath
Uōtā Buresu
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Seadramon X-Antibody appears only in the booklets of the manga.
Video Games[edit]
After Seadramon went to the fourth floor of Infinity Mountain, asked by Taiga, its X-Antibody reactivated and it evolved into Seadramon (X-Antibody). Taiga met Seadramon again in Infinity Mountain's fourth floor, where it explained the switch was at the bottom of the ocean, far in hyperspace and it would need more strength to get there so Taiga caught a big fish for it. It then headed to the switch while Taiga headed for the exit. By the time Taiga got to it, Seadramon had already activated the switch, allowing him to continue onwards.
Taiga fishes Seadramon (X-Antibody) out in Floor 29. It thought it was going to die and laughs at how Taiga fished it out again. It then gives Taiga a Serpentine's Scale.
Seadramon (X-Antibody) is an unobtainable Digimon.
Seadramon (X-Antibody) in Infinity Mountain
Virtual Pets[edit]
Seadramon X-Antibody evolves from Agumon (X-Antibody) or DORUmon, can evolve to Mega Seadramon (X-Antibody) or Okuwamon (X-Antibody).
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This absolute-zero freezing dragon is out for blood!
Quote (⇨ English): 血臭を求める絶対零度の氷結竜!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This freezing sea dragon circles the Net Ocean!
Quote (⇨ English): ネットの海を回遊する、凍気の海竜!
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]