Ghost Navigator
From Wikimon
Ghost Navigator | |
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Kanji/Kana | ゴーストナビゲーター |
Voice Actor | ![]() |
The Ghost Navigator (ゴーストナビゲーター Gōsuto Nabigētā) serves as the narrator of Digimon Ghost Game.
The Ghost Navigator is an important person who appears at the beginning of each episode and has the role of introducing the audience to the world in which the series is set. It is unclear whether he is a human, a Digimon, or a different creature entirely. He also appears in each next episode preview with monologues which have a touch of sarcasm directed at the audience.
Digimon Ghost Game[edit]
List of Monologues[edit]
Episode no. | Beginning | Next episode preview |
1 | N/A | 皆さんはミイラを見たことがありますか。
人は生まれ変わる時、肉体が腐らないよう保存することで来世での復活が信じられていたそうです。 少し笑っちゃいますよね。 ひょっとしたら、ミイラより人間の方がよっぽど腐っているのかも... |
2 | ホログラムを初めとする新テクノロジー。
ほんの少し先の未来、頻発する怪奇現象。 それは人間たちにこう呼ばれ始めた... ホログラムゴースト。 New technology, which includes holograms.
In the near future, paranormal phenomena occur often. They started being referred to by humans as... Hologram Ghosts. |
人間は思い出をデータとして残しそうですね。 その膨大な写真データの中におかしな点はありませんか。 死霊写真? もっと恐ろしいものがあります。 あぁ、今更見るのをやめてももう遅いですよ! To those of you who stare at your smartphones all day:
Humans leave their memories behind as data, right? Is there anything strange in your vast amount of photo data? A photo of a ghost? It's something more terrifying. Oh, it's too late to stop looking now! |
Additional Information[edit]
References | Notes |