Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
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| Gan
1} n., Gan 「癌」, meaning "cancer," a group of diseases involving invasive growth of abnormal cells.[4]
2} n., From ganyaku 「丸薬」, meaning "pill".[5]
3} n., Gan 「ガン」, Japanese transcription of the English word gun.[5]
| | Vivor
1} n., From survivor 「サバイバー sabaibā」, an individual who has lived through a traumatic or potentially fatal event, such as having had a disease.[4]
2} n., From bye-bye 「バイバイ baibai」.[4]
Ganvivormon is one of five Digimon created as a reward for making a minimum pledge of ¥300,000 to the Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project crowdfunding campaign on Campfire.[1] A Digimon merchandise YouTuber who goes by the online handle of "Gyotchan" 「ぎょっチャン」 was one of the backers of the ¥300,000 tier, and Ganvivormon was designed as his partner Digimon by Digimon designer Watanabe Kenji based on his input and wishes. As part of the reward, Bandai later sent Gyotchan model sheets and finalized key art of Ganvivormon by Watanabe (which arrived on December 25, 2020),[2] as well as a one-of-a-kind plush doll of Ganvivormon (which he received by January 25, 2021).[3]
The inspiration for Ganvivormon is tied to Gyotchan's wife, Hiromi, who was battling cancer at the time of the Memorial Story Project. Gyotchan had Ganvivormon created as a wish for his wife to feel better during this time. Hiromi's name is present on Ganvivormon itself via Japanese numerical wordplay, as Ganvivormon's pill-shaped costume has the number 163, which can be read in Japanese as "hi-ro-mi" (一六三), inscribed on it.[4]
The meaning of Ganvivormon's name is multilayered, and its design includes elements that allude to two of the intended meanings of the "gan" part: it has a costume in the shape of a pill 「丸薬 ganyaku」, and it wields a ray-gun 「ガン gan」. It also wears a nurse's cap, continuing the medical theme.
To date, Ganvivormon has never appeared in any official Digimon media.
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