
From Wikimon
This is the 69th card to have been featured on the Main Page.
Grand Dracumon


Battle Type Evolution Requirements Matadrmon + Winning Percentage: 60%!
Vamdemon + Winning Percentage: 60%!
Astamon + Winning Percentage: 60%!
This Vampire King has felled countless angels from heaven!
Level Type Attribute
Ultimate Demon Beast Virus
The evolution requirements cannot be ignored.
Field Special Abilities
Nightmare Soldiers
◎This Digimon will always attack last, regardless of original turn order.

◎During battle, you may send all cards in the opponent's slots to the Dark Area.

A Crystal Revolution 830
B Eye of the Gorgon 740
C Guard (A→0) 480
Lost Point III 40 IV 30 20 10