
From Wikimon


Battle Type Evolution Requirements DORUmon + Advent of the Apostle of Destruction
Death-X-DORUgoramon + Advent of the Apostle of Destruction
◎When you evolve from DORUmon, send the top 5 cards of your Net Ocean to the Dark Area.
This ultimate end boss scorches itself with its perpetual destructive urges!
Level Type Attribute
Ultimate Undead Virus
The evolution requirements cannot be ignored. Cannot receive the effects of 'Shaggai Hole'.
Field Special Abilities
Dark Area
◎Has the ability "hungry".
◎When you win the battle, you may stack two cards from the opponent's Net Ocean onto their Point Gauge.

◎This Digimon can use the card "Rotten Meat".

A Process F 1150
B Process 0 900
C Guard (A→0) 700
Lost Point III 50 IV 50 40 30