
From Wikimon
Metal Garurumon


Battle Type Appearance Requirements When your Digimon is Gabumon and your opponent is an Ultimate level, make this card appear from your hand (during battle only).
◎After appearance, send one Digimon card belonging to Nightmare Soldiers from your hand to the Dark Area.
This vivid lone wolf leaves subzero trails with its wings of light!
Level Type Attribute
Ultimate Cyborg Data
Field Special Abilities
Metal Empire
A will not go to zero due to the effects of attack C.

◎During battle, for every time the opponent's hand is depleted by one card, add 300 to your attack power.

A Cocytus Breath 660
B Grace Cross Freezer 560
C Guard (A→0) 640
Lost Point III 30 IV 30 20 10