3-022 (DCDAPM)

From Wikimon
3-022 R Grade Type
Dezipmon icon.png Dezipmon Super System icon.png System
HP 2200 Profile
Power 1800 It compresses the enemy by absorbing them into its body and damaging them within, and decompresses them while spitting them back out. It also has the ability to compress and swallow up various attacks.
Defense 2800
Speed 1200
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Knuckle
Deals damage. Opponent Single-target
App Technique Dcdapm appattack icon.png Absorb Zip
Energy Cost: 12
Deals damage. Opponent All Targets
Ability Zipped File
Raises Defense of Applinked or AppGattai-ed Appmon during the 2nd Round. Ally All Targets
Revivemon dcdapm gattai icon.png
Energy Cost: 15
Raidramon dcdapm partner icon.png
Partner: Raidramon
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Roar
App Technique Dcdapm appheal icon.png Saver Strahl
Energy Cost: 20