Wikimon:Old Admin Announcements 2012

From Wikimon

Admin Announcements from 2012[edit]

Koroku icon canyousee.png

I missed what happened on April Fools. I was in the middle of London at the time, if I remember right. I hope they didn't freak you all out too much. Pretended that Wikimon was being a Monster Rancher-dedicated Wiki or something. *shudder*

We've been having some serious issues with spammers lately, and so I've taken the next step: we have installed a blacklist. I'm not going to tell people how it works (though, admins, if you want to know, you can contact me via the forum/e-mail) to hopefully keep it working.

If you are a REAL user and are having issues trying to post something, please let me know. We do have the option of a whitelist. Contact methods are on my page.

Otherwise, enjoy what's of spring. Assuming anyone has gotten it. We got about a week of it here in Spain, and then winter came back. *sigh

--Koroku 05:08, 28 April 2012 (CDT)

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

So, tell me, how's life? Good? That's good.

If you didn't notice, the Community Portal recently got a little of a revamp, where we have a list of "Open Discussions" at the top. We could REALLY use some input on these matters, so if you have any say... then say it!

E-mail confirmation was also recently turned on (still not sure why it wasn't before) and that has seemed to pretty much put a hold on our bot spams. Let's hope it stays that way. If you ever see any spam... it'll be gone in a few hours. So don't fret.

As you may or may not know, Facebook has decided to give pages the timeline. Which means that we are in need of a cover photo! (The big photo up top of timelines) If you have a good suggestion of a picture, or want to design one... let us know :) You can post it on our Facebook page or somewhere here on the Wiki.

Oh, and I hope you enjoy the cute new header image that was put up a few weeks ago :) Super cute, ne? --Koroku 05:23, 1 March 2012 (CST)

Userpic Koroku tamerssnapshot.png

Happy 2012! I hope your new years are going as well as mine. In case you didn't know, I am currently studying abroad in Valladolid, Spain! :D It's super exciting. Alguien de Valladolid (o cerca) vive en Valladolid? Si hay alguien, quiero concerte! I will be travelling around Europe too over the semester, so if you've ever wanted to meet the ~amazing~ Greg, hit me up. ;D

Okay, back to REAL stuff. I'd like to announce that we have a VERY special thing to announce...!

Grandy02 is now an admin! Everyone wave your arms in the air in celebration! His name will go purple soon, I think Ainz has to do it by hand. Or I screwed something up majorly. Not sure. :-) But yeah, we have one more to help combat the idiot( bot)s that are invading our wiki.

Til next time~! --Koroku 14:48, 20 January 2012 (CST)