
From Wikimon
(コーイシンケンモン; Dub Name: Pusatriamon)
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Digimon Reference Book
An Perfect Jogress Evolution of Starllymon and Tailmon obtained from the power of the Crest of Kindness. This Digimon bears the power of the Crest of Bond and Light, making it the strongest Digimon surpassed the Perfect nor Armor. Its Special Attack is Jogressing Prominence that releasing the power of the Crest of Bond and Light to blast with a energy-like flames on its opponents.
Bond's Nails Slashes its opponents with it's nails empowered by the Crest of Bond.
Light'n Bluster
Jogressing Prominence
Evolved from Evolved to
Starllymon (with Tailmon)
Tailmon (with Starllymon)

Narrator: Koishinkenmon, the Warrior Digimon that is the fused form of Starllymon and Tailmon with the power of Crest of Kindness. This evolution of two Digimon called Jogress Evolution. Its Special Attack is Jogressing Prominence, it releasing the power of Crests of Bond and Light that Samuel and Hikari bears them and shoot its opponents.


Pusatriamon: I am Pusatriamon. The DNA Ultimate-level form of Aegismon and Gatomon thanks to the power of Crest of Kindness. My Bond of Light attack is inversely unstoppable.