Template talk:S2

From Wikimon

CD Dramas[edit]

Where should we categorize profiles from CD dramas, under Misc or Anime? Also, should we also amalgamate stuff from the manga into a "Anime and Manga" top category tab? --Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 18:31, 28 September 2011 (CDT)

Unless it starts to get too crowded, putting Manga and Anime together under one tab sounds like a good idea. CD Dramas might be best put under anime (since they pertain to a specific series usually). What would go under Misc, really? Daizukan book profiles? Profiles on toys?--devkyu 21:38, 28 September 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, Visual Dictionary profiles, Daizkuan, toys, etc.--Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 05:47, 29 September 2011 (CDT)


seems I cant figure it out. can someone add a second entry for class? the 2020 card game as beast spirits as adult class, which is their second class as they were originally perfect class.Muur (talk) 03:28, 13 November 2020 (CST)

I know we all know that DCG Lv.4 is 'Adult level', but is there anywhere that explicitly states that Lv.4 is equivalent to Adult level/Adult-class? From what I remember DCG rules always only refer to Lv. itself without actually mentioning evolution level, but maybe I missed it. --Garmmon (talk) 04:49, 13 November 2020 (CST)
well this page itself says "Adult (成熟期): Denotes the evolution level of a Digimon. Corresponds to a Lv.4 Digimon.".Muur (talk) 04:56, 13 November 2020 (CST)
this page also states that lv4 = adult https://wikimon.net/Adult Muur (talk) 05:12, 13 November 2020 (CST)
Other than literally being the fourth evolution stage, "Level IV" was only used in the old Hyper Colosseum for the Adult Level. There is no reason for treating the new TCG by the same metric. By that logic, since Tamer Cards can be treated as Lv.3 Cards as of this Booster, every Tamer would also now be a Child level. The new Vritramon and Garmmon cards clearly classify them as Hybrid Digimon; the card itself is a Lv.4 card. The Adult page should be further explained to include the "Level IV" denomination being a TCG thing. I think using the pages themselves as evidence, instead of using the references in those pages (in this case, no reference would exist), is not worthwhile. ShikaSS (talk) 09:29, 13 November 2020 (CST)
vpets use lv4 tho.Muur (talk) 14:48, 13 November 2020 (CST)
For the V-Pets, the term is interchangeable, yes. However, for the card game, the cards have both "Level" and "Lv." listed at the same time as separate things. You can see it in the small-text beneath their names. Vritramon and Garmmon are "Hybrid-level", Meicoomon is "Adult-level", and NeoDevimon is "Perfect-level".--YongYoKyo (talk) 15:00, 13 November 2020 (CST)
that's why its champikm equivilent/class.Muur (talk) 15:05, 13 November 2020 (CST)
It's a different situation. In the first place, the terminology of "Class" was specifically mentioned in the Hyper Colosseum cards, because they're using the Levels themselves as a tier system. In the new Card Game, there is no such thing as "Lv.4-equivalent", because the tier system is separate from Level.--YongYoKyo (talk) 15:18, 13 November 2020 (CST)
All in all, the Digimon Card Game's Lv. is its own unique gameplay mechanic, unrelated to Hyper Colosseum's "class" or "equivalent" addendums. If Lv. must be added to the main pages for whatever reason, it should be as its own third entry, separate from Level and Class. However, I don't see the point since it's a gameplay element exclusively limited to the Card Game, like "Memory Cost" is to Cyber Sleuth.--YongYoKyo (talk) 15:37, 13 November 2020 (CST)