Talk:Kamishiro Yuuko

From Wikimon

Profile (untranslated)[edit]


EDEN症候群の原因を 調べるため 病院を訪れた主人公の 前に現れた、 物悲しい瞳をした 黒髪の美少女。 彼女も大切な人が EDEN症候群にかかって しまっているらしい… その少女が主人公に託す“依頼”とは?

For reference. --Jun (talk) 19:05, 8 October 2014 (CDT)

Accented characters for names[edit]

Are character names supposed to have accented characters like this one? If not, I think we should move this page back to Kamishiro Yuko, and only have the accent in the romaji (which I have already added). Same thing with the "Kuremi Kyouko" character, which is not yet created, and even the Reikū Iceberg page I created. I just want to know the ruling/standards for this. --Jun (talk) 19:08, 8 October 2014 (CDT)

Proper Hepburn romanization dictates macrons should be used, and the rules don't mention anything about a different romanization style. Anime... PAWĀ!!! 15:05, 9 October 2014 (CDT)
Okay, after checking up on the standards of other character pages, I think this page should instead be Kamishiro Yuuko, in the same way as Amano Yuu, Musha Yuuji, Ryuuji Hikaru, Inui Yuu, and Kuga Yuuya. The pronunciation romaji will stay as Kamishiro Yūko of course, being a pronunciation and all. --Jun (talk) 16:31, 9 October 2014 (CDT)
If the other pages don't use macrons, they are wrong. Yuuya has been explicitly romanized as Yuuya in official sources, so he's an exception. Yuuji should be Yūji because his name is written as ユージ, and chōonpu are unambiguously romanized with macrons. Ryuuji Hikaru is a false name, it's supposed Lóng Zhìguāng, and the reason the fandom has been using it is because the scanlator translated the characters' names to Japanese. I'll fix the D-Cyber info later. I have an important test this Sunday.
Also, I don't think "standards of other pages" really count as a rule because people for some reason have the habit of ignoring diacritics. Anime... PAWĀ!!! 17:26, 9 October 2014 (CDT)