From Wikimon
Not sure how to cover this in the article:
Dracomon was originally designed to have a third, "Yellow" line, which would be designed as the "Almighty Dragon" (全能竜 "Zen'nouryū"?) ruling over both heaven and earth, alongside the blue "Heavenly Dragon" (天竜 "Tenryū"?) and green "Earthly Dragon" (地竜 "Jiryū"?) lines. Slayerdramon was originally intended to be the Mega form of this line, as opposed to the Blue line which originally used Examon.[1]
- ↑ デジモンウェブ公式 (@bandai_digimon). "ドラコモン進化系裏話 当初コアドラモンには青、緑、黄色がいました。青は天竜、緑が地竜、黄色を全能竜としていましたが、天竜の見た目を究極体で変えようとなりスレイヤードラモンが移動、天と地を統べる全能がエグザモンとなり、黄色とその完全体はなくなったのでした。#デジモン #Digimon" Dec 17, 2017, 10:13 PM. Tweet.