If anyone can put up the profile they had for it, I'll translate it.KrytenKoro06 22:53, 7 December 2010 (CST)
- デジタルワールドのダストデータのカスが集まって突然変異をおこして誕生したらしい。リリスモンに拾われて、帝国軍の道化役として、いつの間にかバグラ軍の本拠地に住み着いた。帝国軍のにも片っ端から「ダメダメ!」と言いながらダメだしをするので他の三元土からも嫌がられている。
It seems it was born when the data of feces in the Digital World's dust collected and caused a mutation. Lilithmon picked it up, to use as a clown for the empire's army, and it settled down in the Bagura Army's headquarters before anyone noticed. Because it constantly says "Damedame!" while criticizing every little part of the imperial army, it is disliked by the other Head Officers.
Quite a few sites still list Digimon Xros Figure Series 11 - Tsuwamon, but some have mentioned that Damemon changes into Tsuwamon (at some point in the future), so who knows...--Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 23:56, 7 December 2010 (CST)
DXFS profile[edit]
- Bunbun Ken
- Gun Vulcan
- Boo~st Attack
デジタルワールドに吹き溜まるクズデータがデタラメに組み合わさって偶然誕生したのがダメモンだ。臭いガスを大量にまき散らしながら突撃する「ブー・スト・アタック」はどこに飛んで行くかダメモンすら解らない。命中した時の敵へのダメージは臭いガスも相俟って精神的にとても大きい。 Damemon is something that was accidentally born when the waste data drifting through the Digital World randomly combined. As for its "Boo~st Attack", which spreads a lot of smelly gasses as it strikes, even Damemon doesn't know where it will fly off to. The damage to the opponent when it hits, together with the smelly gas, is very large, emotionally.