Talk:Bandai-Town FAX Service Digimon Illustration Contest

From Wikimon

I figured this helps you guys more than my site: DVR FAX Contest timeline translated by Garmmon

1. [1] -> September 21st, November 21st, December 21st

Sep 21 1999 - Bandai Town Fax Service (BTFS)'s '1st Original Digimon Illustration Contest' is held. An original Digimon contest held through fax. Even though it only was held for a short period of 1 month from Sep 21 to Oct 21, the first round had whopping total of 268 applicants! This number is approximate since communication of information was not very good then. The announcement of results and the holding of a second round was announced on the same day. The highest prize was a 'Pendulum 3.5', and other prize winners got a 'special Pendulum Case' as a present. There were 5 prize-winning Digimon. 'Zanbamon' won the Superb, Volcano Oota Prize. Its design when it was used was nearly identical, and was used as an official Digimon in the D-3 Ver. 2 that was released later.

Other than that, the other 4 Digimon who won the BTFS Prize were 'Huntermon', 'Irukamon', 'PunchNarabimon' and 'Nikkorimon'. Regarding 'Irukamon', since there was already 'Rukamon' at that time, basing on its design 'It walks with two legs, and can't swim', it was turned into an official Digimon in the form of 'Orcamon' in the D-3 Ver. 2. The remaining Digimon, up till now in 2005, haven't seemed to be turned into official Digimon yet.

Nov 21 1999 - Bandai Town Fax Service (BTFS)'s '2nd Original Digimon Illustration Contest' results are released. The second original Digimon contest held through fax. Following a monthly basis, it was held from Oct 21 to Nov 21 this time. The announcement of results and the holding of a third round was announced on Nov 21. 'Earthdramon' won the Volcano Oota prize, and 'Mummymon', 'Honeybeemon' (?), 'Flybeemon' (?) and one last unknown Digimon won the BTFS prize. However, up till now in 2005, Earthdramon has not been made into an official Digimon.

Dec 21 1999 - Bandai Town Fax Service (BTFS)'s '3nd Original Digimon Illustration Contest' results are released. The third original Digimon contest held through fax. It was held from Nov 21 to Dec 21. There were over 1000 applicants! The Volcano Oota prize was won by 'BesoBombmon', who is constantly worried about exploding any moment and would cry, asking others for help.

  • It was not used as an official Digimon, but maybe it could have been the base for 'BomberNanimon'? Even though their personality is totally different

'Orochimon', 'Devitamamon', 'Danmon' and 'Kandou shichaun da mon' won the BTFS prize. From them, Orochimon, in the D-Ark Ver. 1, and Devitamamon, in the D-3 Ver. 3, were released as official Digimon.

2. [2] -> January 21st

Jan 21 2000 - Bandai Town Fax Service (BTFS)'s 'Original Digimon Illustration Contest' last round results are released. The last original Digimon contest held through fax had its results released. 'Zombiemon', 'Mummymon' and 'Pharaohmon' won prizes, all belonging to the same applicant.

3. [3] -> March

Mar 2001 Monthly V-Jump started accepting applications for for an original Digimon to appear in the anime series 'Digimon Tamers'. From here Dobermon was born.

To summarize:

1st Fax Contest - Held September 21st 1999: Zanbamon - 1st prize, Huntermon, Irukamon, PunchNarabimon, Nikkorimon,

2nd Fax Contest - Held November 21st 1999: Earthdramon - 1st prize, Mummymon, Honeybeemon, Flybeemon,

3rd Fax Contest - Held December 21st 1999: BesoBombmon - 1st prize, Orochimon, Devitamamon, Danmon, Kandou shichaun da mon,

4th and last Fax Contest - Held January 21st 2000: Mummymon (again?), Zombiemon, Pharaohmon,

March 2001 - V Jump contest held were fans could submit a postcard with a new Digimon, Dobermon won. --Deviate 23:33, 1 January 2011 (CST)