P-009 (DCDAPM)

From Wikimon
P-009 R Grade Type
Globemon icon.png Globemon Ultimate Social icon.png Social
HP 2200 Profile
Power 3500 An Appmon with the ability to perceive and analyze information from all angles. It possesses remarkable analysis capabilities, and is able to infer from the target's actions so quickly that it appears to predict the future.
Defense 1300
Speed 2600
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Blade
Deals damage. Opponent Single-target
App Technique Dcdapm appattack icon.png Glanz Gazer
Energy Cost: 15
Deals damage. Opponent All Targets
Ability Ultimate Secret to Analysis
Greatly raises Power during the 1st Round. Ally Social-type
Globemon dcdapm gattai icon.png
Energy Cost: 10
Allappmon dcdapm partner icon.png
Partner: All Appmon
Normal Attack Dcdapm attack icon.png Link Blade
App Technique Dcdapm appattack icon.png Link Glanz Gazer
Energy Cost: 15

Released with Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Manga Volume 1