From Wikimon
Chivalry | OP02-035 |
Effects | |
Mega Anti-Vaccine Blade: Add 300 to the ally party's attack power when facing a Vaccine Attribute Digimon, and reduce the damage the ally party receives from Vaccine Attribute Digimon by 300. | |
◎This card can only be placed in Option Slot 1. [Action: During battle] When the opponent Digimon is of the Vaccine Attribute, change the attack of one of your Digimon to A until the end of the battle.
騎士道 | OP02-035 |
効果 | |
M反ワクチンブレード:ワクチン種デジモンへの味方パーティの攻撃力を+300し、ワクチン種デジモンから受ける味方パーティのダメージを-300する | |
◎このカードはオプションスロット1にしか置けない [行動:バトル中]対戦デジモンがワクチン種の時、このバトル終了まで、自分デジモン1枚の技をAにする |