Help:Music Page
From Wikimon
Formatting of pages for the Music category. (Under Construction)
Soundtrack Page[edit]
{{CD |title= |kan= |rom= |trans= |add= |image= |series= |code= |rdate= |lang= |artist= }}
Title (title)[edit]
- Title of soundtrack
Kanji/Kana (kan)[edit]
- Title of soundtrack in kanji/kana
Romaji (rom)[edit]
- Title of soundtrack in roman alphabet
Translation (trans)[edit]
- Title of soundtrack translated
Additional Text (add)[edit]
- Additional text to go after the title, such as Single.
Image (image)[edit]
- Image of the soundtrack cover, usually in the format of the Code, but with an underscore.
- ex: NECA_12345.jpg
- ex:CD_noimage.jpg
Series (series) Not Yet Implemented[edit]
- Anime series the soundtrack is from, usually corresponds to what section the CD is in on the Digimon Discography page. May be implemented as a logo above the CD's image.
Catalog Code (code)[edit]
- Catalog code of the disk. Some soundtracks have more than one code, can be found on the Digimon Discography page.
Release Date (rdate)[edit]
- Original release date of the soundtrack. usually has this listed.
Language (lang)[edit]
- Language the soundtrack is in (Almost always Japanese).
Artist (artist)[edit]
- Artist(s) performing on the CD.