EX4-008 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Play Cost Evolution Cost DP 5000
5 3 from Lv.3 Illustration: koki
3 from Lv.3

EX4-008 U 02
Form: Adult | Attribute: Virus | Type: Demon Dragon
Evolution: from a Lv. 3 Digimon whose name contains [Guilmon] by 2 cost
When Evolving Both players trash the top 2 cards of their decks. Then, return 1 [Guilmon] or 1 card with [Growmon] or [Dukemon] in its name from your trash to your hand.

Evolution Base Effects:
When Destroyed Return 1 [Guilmon] or 1 card with [Growmon] or [Dukemon] in its name from your trash to your hand.