EX1-066 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Play Cost
Illustration: Kenji Watanabe, sasasi (Par. 4)
Analogboy EX1-066 R 01
When Played Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, and add 1 Digimon card among those cards to your hand. Discard the remaining cards.
Both Players' Turn When your Lv.5 or above Digimon that has Evolution Bases is destroyed, you may Rest this Tamer. If you do, Memory +1, and if your Raising Area is empty, hatch 1 Digitama card.

Dcg Securityicon3a.png
Security Effect:
Security Play this card without paying its Cost.
Released with: (Parallel 2) 3rd Anniversary Set [PB-15]
(Parallel 3) Limited Card Pack Torrid Weiss [LM-04]
(Parallel 4) Limited Card Pack Final Elysion [LM-05]