
From Wikimon
Pico Devimon


Battle Type Evolution Requirements Unless this Digimon is replaced with another Level III Digimon, it cannot be sent to the Dark Area.
This catspaw of evil lures the virtuous to the Dark Side!
Level Type Attribute
Level III Small Devil Virus
The evolution requirements cannot be ignored. Cannot receive the effects of Particle Worm No. 2.
Field Special Abilities
Nightmare Soldiers
◎Digimon that evolve from this Digimon cannot receive the effects of 'Dark Tower', 'Infinity Tower', or 'The Blind Alley of Evolution' cards (including Warp evolved Digimon).

A Pico Darts 370
B Akuma no Sasayaki 230
C Guard (A→0) 110
Lost Point III 10 IV 10 10 10