Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese Kinkakumon is a rampaging girl that is feared as one of the "Gold and Silver Oni Brothers" alongside its little brother Ginkakumon. Since it's the type to rush headlong into a love affair, it's a romantic Digimon that will begin violently attacking if there's a Digimon it's interested in. In addition, because it is a thoughtless person prone to making silly mistakes and jumping to the wrong conclusion, if it falls in love with its opponent then the misunderstanding will cause a ruckus. Because it has a confident personality but is naive in the ways of love, it strikes the opponent and sends them soaring if it's bashful, and strikes them dolefully if it's snubbed, so no matter how many lives the opponent it likes has, they aren't enough. Its Special Move is swinging its "Shichisei Kanabou" from overhead and pulverizing the whole ground (Kibakusou). Its "Dokidokidokyūn", in which it discharges a high-tension current from its whole body, is an all-purpose technique that excels in offense and defense. Its lightning-speed, surprise kick technique "Raikou Kishū" conceals an electric shock in its foot and has a paralyzing effect on the opponent.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English キンカクモンは弟のギンカクモンと共に「鬼の金銀ブラザーズ」と恐れられる暴走ムスメ。色恋沙汰に猪突猛進するタイプで、気になるデジモンがいると猛烈アタックを掛ける恋多きデジモンである。加えて早とちりの天然ボケのウッカリ者なので、相手が惚れていると勘違いしては大騒ぎを起こしている。性格は強気だが恋に関してウブなので、テレると舞い上がって相手を殴り、つれなくされると悲しくて殴ってしまうので、気に入られた相手は命がいくつあっても足りない。必殺技は「七星金棒(しちせいかなぼう)」で大上段から殴りかかり地面ごと粉砕する「鬼爆葬(きばくそう)」。全身から高圧電流を放電する「怒気怒鬼怒灸(ドキドキドキューン)」は攻守に優れた万能技である。電光石火の奇襲キック技「雷光鬼蹴(らいこうきしゅう)」は電撃が足に秘められており敵を麻痺させる効果をもつ。
⇨ Japanese Kinkakumon is a rampaging girl that is feared as one of the "Gold and Silver Oni Brothers" alongside its little brother Ginkakumon. Its Special Move is swinging its "Shichisei Kanabou" from overhead and pulverizing the whole ground (Kibakusou). Its "Dokidokidokyūn", in which it discharges a high-tension current from its whole body, is an all-purpose technique that excels in offense and defense. Its lightning-speed, surprise kick technique "Raikou Kishū" conceals an electric shock in its foot and has a paralyzing effect on the opponent.
Toei Animation | Digimon Ghost Game
⇨ English キンカクモンは弟のギンカクモンと共に「鬼の金銀ブラザーズ」と恐れられる暴走ムスメ。必殺技は「七星金棒(しちせいかなぼう)」で大上段から殴りかかり地面ごと粉砕する「鬼爆葬(きばくそう)」。全身から高圧電流を放電する「怒気怒鬼怒灸(ドキドキドキューン)」は攻守に優れた万能技である。電光石火の奇襲キック技「雷光鬼蹴(らいこうきしゅう)」は電撃が足に秘められており敵を麻痺させる効果をもつ。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Oni Explosive Funeral
Swings the Shichisei Kanabou from overhead and pulverizes the whole ground.
Anger-mind Anger-Oni Angry-Moxibustion(Thump-Thump-Thump)
Discharges a high-tension current from its whole body as an all-purpose technique that excels in offense and defense.
Raikou Kishū
Lightning Oni Kick
Attacks with a lightning-speed, surprise kick that conceals an electric shock to paralyze the opponent.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Kinkakumon first appears in "Game of Death". Along with her younger brother, Ginkakumon, she broke into a popular fighting game and challenged the best players to battles. She captured the players defeated by her as trophies, leaving them in Ginkakumon's gourd, where they were gradually dissolved until became part of his alcoholic drink. She is defeated by Tesla Jellymon, but promises to have a friendly rematch against her.
Kinkakumon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Kinkakumon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Kinkakumon's Analyzer from Digimon Ghost Game.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Digimon Jintrix
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is feared together with its younger brother Ginkakumon as the Gold and Silver Oni Brothers. A violent airhead that rushes headlong into love affairs, it hits those it is interested in, and does the same to those it dislikes.
Quote (⇨ English): 弟ギンカクモンと共に鬼の金銀ブラザーズと恐れられている。色恋沙汰に猪突猛進で惚れ込んでは殴りかかり、気に入らないと殴りかかる天然暴走娘。
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional information[edit]