Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese A Lesser Digimon possessing a frill on its neck. Its frill was made from a hardened portion of its hairs, and by covering its body with the frill when danger approaches, it can be used as "Armor" to protect its body. Since it is extremely full of curiosity, it has a habit of responding to anything that moves, but because it also responds to its own tail, it chases after it, and is often observed spinning in place. Increasing the centrifugal force in its long tail (Shippo Binta) is a power in itself, and it occasionally seems that even a Child Digimon will instantly faint if it is hit cleanly.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 首にフリルを持つレッサー型デジモン。フリルは毛の一部が硬質化して出来ており、危険が迫った際には体を覆うことで、体を護る「鎧」として使用している。好奇心が非常に旺盛で、動くものすべてに反応してしまう習性を持つが、自身の尻尾にも反応してしまうため、尻尾を追いかけて、その場でくるくる回っている姿を目撃されることが多い。長い尻尾に遠心力を加えた『シッポビンタ』はそれなりの威力があり、成長期デジモンでもクリーンヒットされると一瞬昏倒することがあるらしい。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Shippo Binta
Tail Slap
Uses the centrifugal force in its tail to attack the enemy.[1]
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
While hiding from the black rays caused by Millenniumon in "Mon-mon Park in the Fog", a group of Xiaomon, Frimon and Puroromon found the Mon-Mon Park in a forest, ruled by Opossummon. After spending time in the park, Opossummon revealed itself to be an evil Digimon and caused Waru Monzaemon, the mascot of Mon-mon Park hidden in a Monzaemon statue, to swallow all visitors to the park. Inside Waru Monzaemon, their lives were absorbed by balloons and they lost hope, but they were ultimately snapped out of it by Takaishi Takeru and recovered their hope, which then allowed Patamon to evolve once again into Angemon. Ishida Yamato and Were Garurumon: Sagittarius Mode, alongside Takeru and Angemon, broke them out of Waru Monzaemon afterwards, and then they helped the Chosen Ones and their Partner Digimon defeat Waru Monzaemon.
Several Frimon were some of the Digimon that lost their home to Millenniumon's rampage and helped Takaishi Takeru push El Doradimon to Cloud Continent in "A Place to Return To". Two other Frimon travelled with Lopmon, other Digimon who had lost their home, and Leomon's allies on a grey Komondomon, searching for a new place to live.
A Frimon is seen in "The Angels' Determination" and some in "The End of the Adventure".
Xiaomon, Puroromon and Frimon in Digimon Adventure:
In "Gluttony", a Frimon was amongst the Baby Digimon Quartzmon gave energy to inside its body.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Evolves from Popomon. Can evolve to Agumon (X-Antibody), Kokabuterimon, Liollmon, Otamamon, Patamon, or Piyomon.
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]