Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that is completely shrouded in mystery. From its looks, it's an unmodified plush toy of a bear, so it's rumored that there is someone within, who got in through where the chuck is attached on its back section. It wraps the opponent up in the love overflowing from this cute body (with scary eyes), and makes them feel happy. Its Special Move is its "Lovely Attack", in which it flings hearts.
The effect on Monzaemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
The love overflowing from within its body has manifested as a Lovely Gel that is filled with hearts, and it has gotten even cuter. It scoops its Lovely Gel and gives it to Digimon that approach it, drawn in by its cuteness. Since the Digimon that receive it feel happy, it seems that it likes watching them smile more than anything. Should an enemy appear that attacks the Digimon who have gathered around it, it will repel them with its "Lovely Splash", which pours large amounts of its Lovely Gel over them. This technique becomes more powerful as the support for Monzaemon increases.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English すべてが謎に包まれているデジモン。見た感じは、そのまま熊のぬいぐるみで、背中の部分にチャックが付いているところから、中に何者かが入っているという噂。この可愛らしい(目が恐い)体から溢れる愛で敵を包み込んで幸せな気持ちにしてくれる。必殺技はハートを飛ばす“ラブリーアタック” ■X抗体によるもんざえモンのデジコアへの影響 体内から溢れる愛が、ハートの詰まったラブリージェルとなって現れ、可愛らしさがさらにアップした。その可愛らしさに惹かれ寄ってきたデジモンには、そのラブリージェルをもぎって渡してあげる。受け取ったデジモンは喜んでくれるので、その笑顔を見るのが何より好きらしい。集まってくれたデジモンたちを襲う敵が現れれば、たくさんのラブリージェルを浴びせる『ラブリースプラッシュ』で撃退する。この技は、もんざえモンに向けた声援が大きくなるほど威力が上がる。
⇨ Japanese The love overflowing from within its body has manifested as a Lovely Gel that is filled with hearts. It is happy to scoop its Lovely Gel and give it to Digimon that approach it, drawn in by its cuteness.
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⇨ English 体内から溢れる愛が、ハートの詰まったラブリージェルとなって現れた。可愛らしさに惹かれ寄ってきたデジモンに、そのラブリージェルをもぎって渡してあげると喜ばれる。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)