Template talk:S

From Wikimon

Official Evolution Lines[edit]

Do you think this should be incorporated into the template, for particular Digimon as a conditional column? --Ainz

Can you give an example, as in, would this be for the anime only, and where would it be placed? We don't want to make it too crowded. Also, with the functionality, you forgot to add in the keys for English profile, Japanese profile and profile link.--Lightlowemon
Creating it as another tab would reduce the crowdedness, but I'm not sure on making it conditional as the template itself is extremely complex as it is, but it's not so important for now. I'm not sure if we should include "concrete" evo lines from V-pets in addition to anime as well. --Ainz
I don't know, I guess it could be made into a new tab. Could we integrate it into the language tabs. It could list by show evolutions, like you put in ft=(for Frontier To) or ztf=(for Zero Two From), but where would we draw the line? Anime and Manga? --Lightlowemon