Quote (⇨ Japanese): A musician whose motto is "Music Changes the World". The music it creates moves with great force the hearts of all who hear it.
Quote (⇨ English): 「音楽は世界を変える」がモットーのミュージシャン。彼の生み出す音楽は、聞く相手の心を激しく動かす。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A musician who is always in high spirits. It cares deeply for its friends; if any one of them has been hurt, it will play upbeat music to cheer them up as a gift.
Quote (⇨ English): いつも陽気なミュージシャン 友達想いの良い奴で、誰かが傷付いているときには、アップテンポなBGMで元気をプレセント
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Musimon is bad at hiding things. No matter how much of a poker face it tries to put on, its thoughts can be easily read just by listening to what kind of music it is playing.
Quote (⇨ English): ミュージモンは隠し事が苦手。どんなにポーカーフェイスを貫いても、流れ出る音楽から彼がいま何を考えているのかを理解のは容易い。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An Appmon that performs artistic music. The speakers mounted on various parts of its body are capable of playing music.
Quote (⇨ English): 芸術的な音楽を奏でるアプモン。身体のさまざまな部位にスピーカーが装備されていて、そこから音楽を発することが可能。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Although it was originally a Musimon that played gorgeous music, all that changed when it was infected with a virus. It causes its surroundings to reverberate with cacophony as it plays dissonant chords and off-beat rhythms.
Quote (⇨ English): 本来は綺麗な音楽を奏でるミュージモンだが、ウイルス化してしまったことで一変。不協和音と変則リズムで、周りに騒音を響かせる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is always bringing cheer to its surroundings with the rhythms and melodies that flow out of its body. Its motto is "music changes the world".
Quote (⇨ English): 身体中から溢れてくるリズムやメロディが、いつも周囲を陽気にさせてくれる。モットーは「音楽は世界を変える」。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): -
Quote (⇨ English): 身体中のスピーカーから、聞く者の心を動かす最高の音楽を奏でる。陽気で楽しい、元気が出る曲で、落ち込んでいる友達を励ます。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It loves music, and is always in high spirits! When the power of its bond with its Buddy Torajirou reaches its maximum, a miracle will occur...!?
Quote (⇨ English): 音楽を愛し、いつも気分はノリノリ!バディの虎次郎との絆の力が最大になったとき、奇跡を起こす...!?
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A musician whose motto is "Music Changes the World". The music it creates moves with great force the hearts of all who hear it.
Quote (⇨ English): 「音楽は世界を変える」がモットーのミュージシャン。彼の生み出す音楽は、聞く相手の心を激しく動かす。