Talk:Digimon Battle Chronicle
From Wikimon
Digimon profiles[edit]
At the official site, there are (short) profiles of all playable Digimon, including some that don't have any profile on their page yet (e.g. Black Guilmon). However, they only appear as images without alt tags, so someone would have to transcribe them (I'm not able to do that). --Grandy02 12:28, 29 November 2011 (CST)
- Agumon: 成長して2本の足で歩けるようになったデジモン。とても勇気があり、コワイもの知らずで頼りになる。食べることが大好きだけど、野菜は苦手。/A Digimon that grew to be able to walk on twos. It is very courages and knows no fear, making it very reliable. It loves to eat, but doesn't like eating vegetables.
- Greymon: アグモンが成熟期に進化した姿。他のデジモンとは存在感や能力で大きく上回っている。パワーと知性を身につけた、強力なデジモン。/Agumon's Adult level evolved form. It stands far above other Digimon in terms of presence and abilities. A powerful Digimon that possesses both power and intelligence.
- War Greymon: クロンデジゾイドの鎧を着た、アグモンの究極形態。両手に持った「ドラモンキラー」と「ブレイブシールド」で敵をなぎ倒す。/Agumon's Ultimate form, it wears armour made of Chrome Digizoid. It sweeps through its enemies with its 'Brave Shield' and the 'Dramon Killers' it wields on both arms.
- Black Agumon: ウィルス種に進化したアグモン。獰猛な性格はそのままだが、正義の心はほとんど無くなってしまっている。鋭い爪と牙で敵に襲いかかる。/An Agumon which evolved to become Virus attributed. Although its fierce personality remains the same, its heart of justice has pretty much disappeared. It attacks the enemy with its sharp claws and fangs.
- Black Greymon: ウィルス種に進化し、青黒い体色になったグレイモン。ワクチン種にくらべ性格が荒くなり、凶暴になったが、知性はなくなっておらず、仲間と連携して相手をしとめる。/A Greymon that has evolved to become Virus attributed and gained a bluish-black body colour. Although its personality is wilder and more brutal than its Vaccine counterpart, it has not lost its intelligence, and will cooperate with its allies to bring down an opponent.
- Black War Greymon: 漆黒の竜戦士として恐れられるデジモン。なぜウィルス化してしまったかは謎である。卑怯なことを嫌い、同じウィルス種でも低俗なデジモンは仲間だと思っていない。/A Digimon that is feared as the Jet Black Dragon Knight. It is a mystery as to why it turned into a Virus. It hates cowardice, and will not think of vulgar Digimon as its comrades even if they are also of the Virus attribute.
- Gabumon: 憧れているガルルモンが残したデータを集めて、毛皮のようにしてかぶっているデジモン。周りのデジモンからは怖がられている。ガルルモンの毛皮は、身を守るの有効だ。/A Digimon that gathered the data of Garurumon, who it looks up to, and wears it like a fur pelt. Surrounding Digimon are scared off by it. Garurumon's fur pelt also serves to protect its body.
- Garurumon: 狼の姿をしているデジモン。全身の毛は、レアメタルの「ミスリル」のように硬い。獲物を確実に仕留める力を持っているため、他のデジモンから怖がられている。/A Digimon that takes the form of a wolf. The fur all over its body is as hard as the rare metal, 'Mythril'. Other Digimon are afraid of it as it has enough strength to reliably bring down its prey.
- Metal Garurumon: ガルルモンが全身をメタル化した姿。とても素早く、空を飛ぶこともできる。全身に武器があり、鼻先のレーザーサイトで暗くても敵を見つけることができる。/Garurumon takes on this form after metallising its whole body. It is very fast, and is even able to fly in the sky. It is armed with weapons all over its body, and laser sights on its nose tip which allows it to detect enemies even in the dark.
- Black Gabumon: ウィルス種に進化したガブモン。ガルルモンに憧れる性格は変わらないが、ウィルスの影響で悪い心を持つ。毛皮はウィルス種のガルルモンからとったもの/A Gabumon which evolved to become Virus attributed. Although its Garurumon-admiring personality has not changed, it has an evil heart due to the influence of the virus. Its fur pelt is taken from a Virus attribute Garurumon.
- Black Garurumon: ウィルス種に進化したガルルモン。ワクチン種、データ種に比べて獰猛で、狙った相手は確実にしとめる。肩のブレードはさわったもの全てを切り裂く。/A Garurumon which evolved to become Virus attributed. It reliably brings down any opponent it aims for, and is more ferocious compared to Vaccine or Data attribute Digimon. The blades on its shoulders cut anything they touch.
- Black Metal Garurumon: ウィルス種に進化したメタルガルルモン。体中に冷気系の武器を持ち、レーザーサイトで獲物を見つける。敵味方関係なくミサイルを撃ちまくる、恐ろしいデジモン。/A Metal Garurumon which evolved to become Virus attributed. It is armed with cold-air type weapons in its body and laser sights to help it to detect its prey. A fearsome Digimon, it fires missiles at anybody, regardless of friend of foe.
- Palmon: 頭に花を咲かせたデジモン。この花は、気分によって匂いが変わり、機嫌が良いといい匂いを放ち、機嫌が変わるとくさい匂いを放つ。/A Digimon who has a flower blooming on its head. This flower changes scent depending on its mood; it lets out a good scent when it is in a good mood, but lets out a bad stench when its mood changes for the worse.
- Togemon: サボテンの形をしたデジモン。体内に養分のデータをセーブすることができ、砂漠でも生きることができる。グローブをはめていて、バトルの時にはここからトゲが飛び出すぞ。/A Digimon in the shape of a cactus. Its ability to save nutrition data inside its body makes it able to live in the desert. It wears gloves, from which spikes fly out during battle.
- Lilimon: 小さな花から生まれた、妖精型デジモン。外見は人間の子供のようだが、強大なパワーを持っている。リリモンが空を飛ぶと、さわやかな風が吹くと言われている。/A Fairy type Digimon born from a small flower. Although its outer appearance looks like a human child, it possesses strong power. It is said that when Lilimon flies in the sky, a refreshing breeze will blow.
- I'll continue later --Garmmon 04:33, 30 November 2011 (CST)
- Thank you! But could it be that the translation of Black Metal Garurumon's profile is missing the part on the laser sights? --Grandy02 09:15, 30 November 2011 (CST)
- Oops, thanks for pointing that out! I've edited it above, and the rest of the profiles are below. --Garmmon 09:23, 30 November 2011 (CST)
- Patamon: 大きな耳が特徴のデジモン。耳を使って空を飛べるが、飛ぶスピードが遅いため、走った方が速い。素直な性格で、言われたことをよく守る人気の高いデジモン。/A Digimon whose special trait is its huge ears. Although it can use its ears to fly in the sky, it's faster for it to walk as its flying speed is slow. It is a highly popular Digimon, being obedient and having a straightforward personality.
- Angemon: 輝く6枚の翼と、純白の衣を身につけたデジモン。完全な「善」の存在で、幸福をもたらすといわれている。悪の存在に対してはとてもきびしい。/A Digimon which has 6 shining wings and is clad in pure white clothing. It is an existence of complete 'good', and is said to bring happiness. It is extremely harsh when facing evil beings.
- Holy Angemon: 輝く8枚の翼を持ったデジモン。デジタルワールドが闇に覆われると聖剣「エクスキャリバー」と「ビームシールド」を装備したバトルモードへと変形する。/A Digimon with 8 shining wings. When the Digital World becomes covered in darkness, it changes into its Battle Mode, where it is armed with its 'Beam Shield' and holy sword 'Excalibur'.
- Piyomon: 翼のような腕を持つデジモン。普段は地上で生活をしているけれど、キケンがせまると飛んで逃げようとする。しかし飛行能力はほとんどない。/A Digimon with arms that act as wings. Although it usually spends its time on the ground, it will take flight to escape when danger draws near. However, it has almost no flight abilities.
- Birdramon: インターネットの「ファイアーウォール」から生まれた不死鳥のようなデジモン。闘うことはあまり好きではないが、向かってくる敵には容赦はない。/A phoenix-like Digimon born from the Internet's 'Firewall'. While it doesn't really like to fight, it will treat enemies that draw close without mercy.
- Garudamon: 大空をかける翼と敵を切り裂く巨大なツメを持つ選ばれたデジモン。大地と風の守護神とあがめられ、世界の平和が乱れると現れ、平和へ導くと言われている。/A chosen Digimon that possesses wings that allow it to fly across the sky, and giant claws that tear the enemy apart. Revered as the guardian deity of the land and the wind, it is said to appear when the world's peace is disturbed, and lead the world to peace.
- Tentomon: テントウ虫のようなデジモン。全身が硬い殻に覆われている。するどい爪を持ち、凶暴そうに見えるが、実際はのんびり屋でとても優しい性格。/A ladybird-like Digimon. Its whole body is covered in hard shell. While it has sharp claws and might look fierce, it is actually very carefree and has a kind personality.
- Kabuterimon: 昆虫の姿をしたデジモン。頭の部分は金属化していて、守りは鉄壁に近い。性格は虫そのもので、本能のまま生きている場合が多い。/A Digimon in the form of an insect. Its head has been metallised, boasting an almost iron wall-like defense. Its personality is the exact same as an insect, and there are many times where it lives by it instincts.
- Atlur Kabuterimon: カブテリモンが進化した姿。体が大きく、頭の角がさらに硬くなり、攻撃力、防御力もアップした。か弱いデジモンを守る、頼もしいデジモンだ。/Kabuterimon's evolved form. Its body has enlarged, its horn became sturdier, and its attack and defense have also been increased. It is a reliable Digimon that protects weak Digimon.
- Gomamon: 毛皮を身に付けたため、陸上で生活できるようになったデジモン。好奇心旺盛なやんちゃ者だ。硬い氷も一撃で砕くツメで攻撃してくるぞ。/A Digimon that has become able to live on land due to the fur coat it wears. It is a mischievous Digimon overflowing with curiosity. It attacks with its claws, which are able to break even hard ice in one hit.
- Ikkakumon: 北極探査基地のコンピュータの中で発見されたデジモン。頭の角は伝説のレアメタル「ミスリル」でできており、何度でも再生可能だ。/A Digimon discovered in the computer of an Arctic exploration base. The horn on its head is made of the legendary rare metal, 'Mythril', and is able to re-grow infinitely.
- Zudomon: イッカクモンが進化したデジモンで、2足歩行ができるようになった。角は再生できなくなってしまったが、ノコギリのようになり、攻撃力がアップした。/A Digimon that evolved from Ikkakumon, it has become able to walk on twos. Although its horn has lost the ability to re-grow, it has become like a saw and has gained added attack power.
- Tailmon: 体は小さいが、立派な成熟期デジモン。見た目はかわいいが、大人っぽい性格で凄いパワーを持っている。長いツメの付いた手袋はサーベルレオモンのデータをコピーしたもの。/Although its body is small, it is truly an Adult level Digimon. While it might look cute, it has a very mature personality and possesses great power. Its gloves, which have long claws attached to them, are copied from Saber Leomon's data.
- Nefertimon: テイルモンが光のデジメンタルにより進化し聖獣型デジモン。光のデジメンタルの力を100%発揮することができ、強力な力で闇を浄化する能力がある。/A Holy Beast type Digimon that evolved from Tailmon with the Digimental of Light. It is able to bring out 100% of the power in the Digimental of Light, and has the ability to purify darkness with its great power.
- Angewomon: 天使型デジモン。見方の傷を治し、邪悪な存在を消滅させる力を持つ。穏やかな性格だが、悪を許さず、敵が心を入れかえるまで攻撃を止めない。/An Angel type Digimon. It has the abilities to heal its allies' wounds, and exterminate evil beings. Although it has a gentle personality, it will not forgive evil, and will not stop its attacks until the enemy has a change of heart.
- V-mon: 数少ない古代種デジモンの一匹。性格はいたずら好きでやんちゃだけど、デジメンタルを使って、アーマー進化すると、爆発的な力を発揮する。/One of the ancient Digimon, of which there are few remaining. While it has a mischievous and prank-loving personality, when it uses a Digimental and Armour evolves, it displays its explosive power.
- Fladramon: 勇気のデジメンタルでブイモンがアーマー進化した姿。格闘戦が得意で、鋭い爪と素早い動きで、敵を翻弄する。/V-mon's Armour evolved form with the Digimental of Courage. It specialises in grappling battles, and trifles with the enemy using its sharp claws and swift movements.
- Imperialdramon FM: パイルドラモンが究極体に進化した姿。他のデジモンよりも存在感や能力で大きく上回っている。パワーと知性を身につけた、強力なデジモン。/Paildramon's Ultimate level evolved form. It stands far above other Digimon in terms of presence and abilities. A powerful Digimon that possesses both power and intelligence. (pretty much the same as Greymon's profile)
- Guilmon: 松田啓人(タカト)のイラストから生まれたデジモン。やんちゃで、いろいろなモノに興味を持つ、好奇心の強い性格。体は小さめだが、高い戦闘力を秘めている。/A Digimon that was born from Matsuda Takato's drawing. It has a very mischievous and curious personality, becoming interested by all sorts of things. Although its body is small, it hides great battle abilities.
- Growmon: ギルモンが進化した成熟期デジモン。性格はギルモンの時と、それ程変わらないが、パワーがとても強く、一旦暴れだすと手がつけられなくなってしまう。/An Adult level Digimon, evolved from Guilmon. While its personality hasn't changed much from when it was a Guilmon, it possesses great power, and becomes uncontrollable once it goes into a rampage.
- Dukemon: ウィルス種でありながら、あらゆる悪と闘う、究極体デジモン。クロンデジゾイドの鎧を着て、右手には聖槍「グラム」、左手には聖盾「イージス」を装備している。/An Ultimate level Digimon that faces off against all evil, despite being a Virus. Clad in Chrome Digizoid armour, it is armed with the holy lance 'Gram' on its right hand and the holy shield 'Aegis' on its left hand.
- Black Guilmon: 肉食獣特有の凶暴性を持つデジモン。パラメータ的にはギルモンと同レベル。ギルモンよりウィルス種としての野性的な性質が強く出ている。/A Digimon with a ferocious personality characteristic of carnivorous beasts. It is at the same level as Guilmon in terms of parameters. The wild nature of a Virus attribute Digimon shows more strongly in it compared to Guilmon.
- Black Growmon: 漆黒の魔竜と呼ばれるデジモン。パラメータ的にはグラウモンと同レベル。ウィルス種としての性質がより強く出ており、より野性的になっている。/A Digimon referred to as the Jet-black Demon Dragon. It is at the same level as Growmon in terms of parameters. Its Virus-like nature is showing more strongly, and it has become more wild.
- Chaos Dukemon: ウィルス種の本能に目覚めたデュークモン。その精神、思考は完全にダークサイドに染まっている。まさに「デジタルハザード」が起こった状態。/A Dukemon that has awoken the the true instincts of a Virus. Its heart and thinking have been completely tainted by the dark side. It is truly as if the 'Digital Hazard' is taking place.
- Flamon: アグニモンがパワーを失った姿。伝説の十闘士の力を受け継いでいるため、かなりの強さを持っている。しかし、闘うことへの怖さから、やる気をなくしている。/The form Agnimon takes on when it has lost its power. It is quite strong, having inherited the power of the legendary Warrior Ten. However, because it is afraid of fighting, it has no will to do so.
- Agnimon: 神原拓也(かんばらたくや)が進化し、伝説の十闘士「エンシェントグレイモン」の力を受け継いだデジモン。炎を自在に操ることが可能で、格闘技が得意。/Evolving from Kanbara Takuya, it is a Digimon that has inherited the power of the legendary Warrior Ten, 'Ancient Greymon'. It specialises in grappling techniques, and is able to control fire freely.
- Vritramon: アグニモンが進化したデジモン。巨大な翼で空を飛ぶことができ、強力な火炎攻撃を行う。両腕には「ルードリー・タルパナ」という武器を持つ。/A Digimon that evolved from Agnimon. It can use its huge wings to fly in the sky, and it can unleash powerful fire attacks. It wields its weapons, 'Rudri Tarpana', on both of its arms.
- Neamon: ボコモンといつもくっついているお付きのデジモン。のんびりした性格で、いつもボケーっとした発言をくりかえしている。/A tagalong Digimon that always sticks with Bokomon. It has a carefree personality, and is always saying things while doing nothing.
- Omegamon: 圧倒的な力を持つロイヤルナイツの一人。「ガルルキャノン」と「グレイソード」の攻撃力はまさに究極体を超えた破壊力だ。/A member of the Royal Knights who possesses overwhelming power. The attack power of its 'Garuru Cannon' and 'Grey Sword' have destructive power that can be said to surpass the Ultimate level.
- Diablomon: クラモンの最終形態。ネットワーク上のあらゆるデータを吸収し、進化と巨大化を繰り返す。腕は柔らかくすばやく伸び、手や足のツメはするどく、格闘戦も得意だ。/Kuramon's final form. It absorbs any data on the network, allowing it to evolve and grow even bigger. Also specialising in grappling matches, its arms are flexible and can extend quickly, and it has sharp claws on its hands and feet.
- Belial Vamdemon: 左右の肩にソドムとゴモラという聖体砲を寄生させている魔法型デジモン。ヴァンデモンの最終形態とされており、知性が高い。7大魔王の一体と考えられている。/A Magic type Digimon (I think it's a typo and should be 'Demon Lord type') that has the parasitic holy cannons (probably another typo, 'parasitic living cannons') Sodom and Gomorrah on its left and right shoulders. Vamdemon's final form, it has great intelligence. It is thought to be one of the Seven Great Demon Lords.
- Duskmon: 闇の属性を持つ人型デジモン。デジモンの無念を集まり、闇のエネルギーに変化した正体。真の邪悪は3つ首と7つの目玉に封じ込められているという。/A humanlike Digimon that has the element of darkness. It is made of the gathering of the regrets of Digimon being transformed into dark energy. It is said that the true evil is sealed within its 3 heads and 7 eyeballs.
- Thank you! But could it be that the translation of Black Metal Garurumon's profile is missing the part on the laser sights? --Grandy02 09:15, 30 November 2011 (CST)