Talk:Digimon Accel Justice Genome
The LCDs used for Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon are the X versions. Yet the profile pages for these Digimon show the picture and profile of the non-X variations. Accel Justice
How is Wikimon treating this? Do you guys consider the X antibody versions of being in the V-Pet or the normal versions?--Deviate 21:47, 14 May 2011 (CDT)
Actually, looking at the other evolution charts and profiles I see more conflicts. Justice - As I said above, Agumon - WarGreymon have X variant LCDs, but their profiles and pictures are for the non-X versions. Same for Omegamon. Evil - Dukemon's LCD is the X-Variant, but the picture and profile is the non X Version. Nature - UlforceV-dramon might have the same problem as Dukemon, but I can't tell since I don't think we have an LCD for both the X version and the non-X version to make that comparison.
Only one form of the Digimon appeared in these V-Pets. Either the LCDs are wrong or the evolution chart profiles are wrong. What are your thought?