From Wikimon
Resurrection | ★★ OP-052 |
Effects | |
Resurrection: At the start of the battle, resurrect one of your ally Digimon that is currently unable to battle, and heal 30% of its HP. | |
◎This card can only be placed in Option Slot 3. [Action] After removing this card from the game, send one of your Digimon that has been removed from the game to the Dark Area.
リザレクション | ★★ OP-052 |
効果 | |
リザレクション: 戦闘開始時戦闘不能の味方デジモン1体のHPを30%回復して復活する | |
◎このカードはオプションスロット3にしか置けない [行動]このカードをゲームから取り除いた後、ゲームから取り除かれたデジモン1枚をダークエリアに置く |