EX4-066 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Usage Cost
Illustration: Shin Sasaki
Golden Beast Blade and Crimson Dragon Bullet EX4-066 U 02
Main Activate 1 of the effects below.
・If you have [Cres Garurumon] in play, 1 of your [Agumon] or [Greymon] may evolve into [Blitz Greymon] in your hand, ignoring evolution requirements and without paying the cost.
・If you have [Blitz Greymon] in play, 1 of your [Gabumon] or [Garurumon] may evolve into [Cres Garurumon] in your hand, ignoring evolution requirements and without paying the cost.

Dcg Securityicon3.png
Security Effect:
Security You may play 1 [Gabumon] or [Agumon] from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, add this card to your hand.
Released with: (Parallel) Theme Booster Alternative Being [EX-04] Box Purchase Bonus