From Wikimon
The Pledge Between Master and Servant Bo-592 | ||
Activation Timing: Battle Phase ◎You may only place one of this card in your slots; cannot receive the effects of 'Emergency Program Halt!'. | |
+40 |
Effects: | ◎Move an Ultimate level Digimon card that appears with appearance requirements, and has the word 'Holy' in its type from your hand to the space next to your Digimon box (the support box), and add 'A and C cannot go to zero (this is not a special ability)' to your Digimon's ability box. ◎This card can only be used when your Digimon is a Perfect level Digimon, and is 'Holy Beast', 'Holy Dragon' or 'Holy Bird' type. ◎At the end of the turn after the turn during which this card was used, send it to the Dark Area. |
主従の誓い Bo-592 | ||
発動タイミング: バトルフェイズ ◎1枚しかスロットに置けず「プログラム緊急停止!」の効果を受けない | |
+40 |
[効果]: | ◎「出現条件」で出現する「究極体」で、種族名に「聖」の文字が入るデジモン1枚を手札からデジモンボックスの隣(援護ボックス)に置き、自分デジモンの能力欄に【「Aを0に」「Cを0に」の効果を受けない(特殊能力ではない)】を追加する ◎自分が「完全体」で「聖獣型」「聖竜型」「聖鳥型」の時のみ使用可能 ◎カードは使用した次のターン終了時ダークエリアに送られる |