BT15-102 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Dcg-BT15-102 2.jpg
Dcg-BT15-102 3.jpg
Play Cost Evolution Cost DP 15000
15 6 from Lv.6 Illustration: Tonamikanji, Naochika Morishita (Parallel), - (Parallel 2)
6 from Lv.6
6 from Lv.6
6 from Lv.6
BT15-102 SEC 03
Level: Ultimate | Attribute: Unknown | Type: Species Unknown
• When this card would be played, by placing up to 3 cards with [Dark Masters] trait with different names from your Battle Area or trash under this card, reduce the Play Cost by 4 for each card placed.
End of Your Turn Once per Turn By placing 1 level 6 or lower card from your trash as this Digimon's bottom Evolution Base, activate 1 of the When Played effects of the card placed by this Digimon's effect. Then, for each level 6 card in this Digimon's Evolution Bases, trash the top 2 cards of the opponent's deck.

Evolution Base Effects:
登場コスト 進化コスト DP 15000
15 Lv.6 から6 イラスト: Tonamikanji, Naochika Morishita (Parallel), - (Parallel 2)
Lv.6 から6
Lv.6 から6
Lv.6 から6
BT15-102 SEC 03
究極体 | 不明 | 種族不明
• このカードが登場するとき、自分のバトルエリア/トラッシュの特徴に「ダークマスターズ」を持ち、名の異なるカード3枚までをこのカードの下に置くことで、置いた1枚ごとに、支払う登場コスト-4。
自分のターン終了時ターンに1回 自分のトラッシュから、Lv.6以下のカード1枚をこのデジモンの進化元の下に置くことで、置いたカードの登場時効果1つをこのデジモンの効果として発揮する。その後、このデジモンの進化元のLv.6のカード1枚ごとに、相手のデッキの上から2枚破棄する。


  • This card has been restricted (only 1 card is used in deck) based on December 2023 Banlist which has been applied since January 5, 2024.[1][2]
  • Apocalymon's End of Your Turn ability activates the When Played effect of the Digimon placed in Evolution Bases as an effect of itself, so by placing BT10-111 Shoutmon (King Ver.), Apocalymon can use its When Played effect to act as a replacement for any 1 Xros Unit for the rest of the turn, assuming an effect is used to continue the turn, such as BT9-111 Alphamon: Ouryuken. List of DigiXros Digimon in Digimon Card Game can be seen here.
  • Interaction with BT20-083 Omekamon. Apocalymon's End of Your Turn ability activates the When Played effect of the Digimon placed in Evolution Bases as an effect of itself, so by placing Omekamon while you have 1 or fewer Security, Apocalymon can use its When Played effect to evolve into Omegamon X-Antibody in the hand without paying the cost and ignoring evolution requirements.