BT14-066 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Play Cost Evolution Cost DP 9000
10 3 from Lv.5 Illustration: poroze, koki (Parallel)
3 from Lv.5

BT14-066 R 03
Form: Ultimate | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mutation
Evolution Lv.5 whose name contains [Numemon]/[Monzaemon]: 3 cost
When Played When Evolving By trashing 1 card with [Numemon] in its name from your hand, gain 2 Memory.
When Destroyed You may play 1 level 5 or lower Digimon card with [Numemon]/[Monzaemon] in its name from your hand without paying the cost.

Evolution Base Effects:
Released with: (Parallel) Evolution Cup 2024 Season3 Winner