BT13-065 (DCG)

From Wikimon
Play Cost Evolution Cost DP 2000
3 2 from Lv.3 Illustration: p!k@ru

BT13-065 C 02
Form: Adult | Attribute: Virus | Type: Mutation
When Destroyed Choose 1 opponent Digimon and Revert 1 (Discard 1 card from the top of the opponent Digimon's card stack. You may not discard any further once there are no more Evolution Bases remaining, or the Digimon becomes Lv.3).

Evolution Base Effects:
Both Players' Turn When this Digimon would be destroyed, by destroying 1 other Digimon with [Scumon] in its name, prevent it from being destroyed.
Released with: (Parallel) Limited Card Pack Death-X-mon [LM-02]