Talk:Royal Knights

From Wikimon
  • --Dukemon - July 2001
  • --Imperialdramon Paladin Mode - March 2002
  • Magnamon - July 2002
  • UlforceV-dramon - July 27 2002
  • Dynasmon and LordKnightmon - December 22 2002
  • Alphamon - April 26 2003
  • Omegamon - April 26 2003
  • Craniummon - March 2005
  • Sleipmon - November 19 2005
  • Duftmon - February 11 2007
  • Examon - January 2008

Dukemon's card called it a Royal Knight, but did not imply it was a group. Imperialdramon PM implied a group, but Magnamon was the first where the group was actually called a group.KrytenKoro06 22:29, 7 March 2012 (CST)

Examon debuted in December 2007 (DM02-094). --Grandy02 08:59, 8 March 2012 (CST)

What is Royal Knights?[edit]

ロイヤルナイツとは、イグドラシルが世界を管理するために集めた、デジタルワールド内で絶対的な強さを誇る13体の聖騎士型デジモンに与えられる称号。 長い間ロイヤルナイツにふさわしいとされる13体目のデジモンが不在であったが、ガンクゥモンが出会った成長期デジモン「ハックモン」にその素質を見出した。そうして数々の過酷な試練で鍛え上げられたハックモンは成熟期・完全体を経て、究極体にして13体目のロイヤルナイツ「ジエスモン」へと進化したのである。


イグドラシルが統治するデジタルワールドとは別のサーバーに存在するデジタルワールド・イリアスでは、オリンポス十二神族と名乗るデジモン達が世界を管理しているらしい。デジタルワールド・イリアスはオリンポス十二神族の守護によりロイヤルナイツはとくに干渉を行わなかったが、イグドラシルの意思や世界を覆うウィルスによってはサーバーを越えて対面する日がやってくるだろう。その時ロイヤルナイツとオリンポス十二神族の間に生まれるのは衝突か共闘か…。--Yuetmoon (talk) 07:57, 18 January 2017 (CST)

[The Royal Knights are...]
A title that was bestowed on the guardian deities of the Digital World, consisting of the thirteen Digimon Omegamon, Magnamon, Dukemon, Dynasmon, LordKnightmon, UlforceV-dramon, Alphamon, Craniummon, Sleipmon, Duftmon, Examon, Gankoomon, and Jesmon.

The Royal Knights are a title granted to thirteen Holy Knight Digimon who were gathered by Yggdrasill in order to manage the world, and boast absolute power within the Digital World. For a long time, there had been no thirteenth Digimon considered suitable as a Royal Knight, until Gankoomon noticed the makings of one in the Child Digimon "Huckmon" it encountered. And in fact, Huckmon, tempered well by frequent, rigorous trials, evolved through Child and Perfect to Ultimate, as the thirteenth Royal Knight "Jesmon".

Although all thirteen Royal Knights were assembled, there are Digimon like Alphamon who rarely make an appearance, and they never gather in their entirety at one time. Some pursue absolute loyalty to Yggdrasill, some pursue gratitude to those they choose as their lord, some pursue unparalleled, overwhelming power...each pursues the justice they've chosen as their own, and the Royal Knights carry out their individual missions.

In the Digital World: Iliad, which exists on a different Server from the Digital World ruled by Yggdrasill, it seems that Digimon who call themselves the Olympos XII are managing the world. The Royal Knights have not specifically interfered with the Digital World: Iliad due to the protection of the Olympos XII, but it seems that because of Yggdrasill's will and a virus sweeping the world, the day is coming when they will cross Servers and meet face-to-face. On that occasion, will the outcome between the Royal Knights and Olympos XII be conflict or a united front...?